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National Park Krka

National Park Krka

With 72 kilometers, the Krka is the longest river zentraldalmatische and thanks to the 20 km between Knin and Skradin, which occupies the Krka National Park, probably the most spectacular in Europe. Countless caused by geomorphological processes rapids, trails, pools, waterfalls and other karst and Tuffphänomene shape the course of the river and offer at each point a new and exciting perspective on the ingenuity of nature.

Beyond the National Park limits flows the Krka into the lake Prokljansko which reaches to Sibenik and then finally flows into the Adriatic Sea.

Nationalpark Krka 3 Nationalpark Krka

The management of the park has scientific, cultural, educational and visual "tasks taken up the cause, but the park also sees as a recreation area, so that not only the flora and fauna thrives here but also people flourish.
In order to preserve the current status and the beauty of natural phenomena as long as possible, it is necessary that all visitors abide by certain rules and environmental protection represented engaged. So is naturally expected that no one leaves the marked paths, its packaging and other waste disposed of properly (not only because of lying in the undergrowth since the war land mines) and of course not poaching, animals or otherwise interfere with or damage plants.

Also open fires are prohibited and those who want to film for commercial purposes should take care in advance at the park headquarters to a filming permit. In the park, two different itineraries offer. On the two park entrances Skradin and Lozovac you can (depending on the season) to purchase a ticket to the park, and the ethnographic museum for each 30-95 Kuna, said from Skradin a half-hour boat ride, in Lozovac a rail shuttle service are included.

Who are driven for four hours over the largest lake in the park and would like to visit the monastery island, should allow an additional 100 kuna per person - however, children often get discounts.

Information about the National Park Krka


National Park History Krka

The many small villages in and around the national park around and the former mill show that the Krka and its banks indeed have always attracted people in its spell, the protection and preservation of nature but is a relatively new idea. In 1948, the river course between the Bilusic was baked and the Skradinski Buk first time as a "rare natural resource" and "significant landscape area" classified. Thus the first step to establish a future national park was done.

First, the protected area was up to Krcic extended beyond the Krka source and Sibenik Bridge behind Skardin so that in some books, the establishment of thNationalpark Krka 5e national park is dated to the year 1955th And although there were energetic initiatives to preserve this landscape even then, the status of the park was not established. With new industrial opportunities also changed the view of the river. It has been considered to build hydroelectric power plants on the banks of the rapids above the falls. Compromise Ready was between the economic benefits and the responsibility towards nature - and of course the prestige and tourism, to bring a national park with it ... - weighed and the area ultimately limits: The hydroelectric power plant Miljacka II is high in the vicinity of the source, directly behind him begins the reserve.

So then lay five waterfalls outside the park area and many visitors also saw the most beautiful of all canyons there. In 1985, the area around the two most impressive lakes and waterfalls, two-thirds of the total flow course and the surrounding slopes, cliffs and forests was declared a national park. Then in 1997, the park received with 110 square kilometers of the northeastern boundary of the Krka estuary of Butišnica to Skradin Bridge in the southwest its present form, with only 9 square kilometers of which are covered with water. The hydroelectric power plant is still in the park and in operation, but needs conservation rules operate compliant. One of the conditions for the establishment of a national park is one that a larger area has exceptional natural phenomena, these are original and largely unaffected by man emerged and have continued and there have several natural phenomena appear in this space. With its characteristic river course, the species richness in flora and fauna as well as the rugged yet elegant rock structure of the Krka National Park meets these criteria play - it also thousands of visitors per year and a power plant will not change!


Nationalpark Krka Kroatien 2

The waterfalls are the trademark and the main attraction of the National Park Krka. Overall, 17 rows barriers, dozens of smaller and a handful of big waterfalls together, overcome together along the entire length of the parking area 46 meters. On his journey through the plateau, the Krka extends even to a width of about 100 meters, then milled again fjord-like ravines into the porous stone. While the water outside the park often looks gray and gloomy, it flows here - enriched by minerals - in iridescent green on the Travertinbrücken. A good view of the water masses have been above the bridge and the wooden pier below the main cases. Here one stands head before rushing wet and further down you have the opportunity to dive with the whole body into the water - here the swimming holes, the torrent has however long since turned into a calm lake. Below particularly interesting and famous waterfalls, monuments, lakes and Krka formations are described.


Butišnica Estuary

Often we read that the Natinalpark Krka there has its limit where the Butišnica leads into Krka. In fact, it behaves exactly around different: the mouth of the Butišnica artificially 1.5 km eastwards relocated to the place Knin to protect against possible floods. Definitely start here, four kilometers away from the source of the Krka, the nature reserve and you can already see on arrival, the picturesque green slopes that hold times as valley, sometimes a gorge the river in its path. If you have a lot of time, you can visit the castle Knin near, but most are from the first impressions of the park so fascinated that they want to see as soon as possible even more of nature!

Bilusic Buk

The first waterfall is located 12 kilometers away from the source. Here the water falls on two levels close to 20 meters in depth after the top line was artificially lowered in order to prevent congestion in the vicinity of the town of Knin. This in turn meant that the water of a lake flowed and remembers only a slight broadening of the river just before Bilusic Buk at him.

Brljansko jezero

In the 1300 x 400-meter lake Brljansko the water takes on a deceptive calm before it falls down the same, 15m high waterfall. On the banks of pines and oaks and lindens grow representing a successful contrast to the bottle glass colored water with its lush greenery. The lucky ones may find the scrub otters and badgers!


The highest Kaskardenformation includes at the same time one of the highest waterfalls. Up to 32 meters in height measure the levels, overcome the total of nearly 60 meters. Here flow several small water arms and branches together to form a large waterfall and observers are always entranced how to few meters from the romantic and gentle rippling gurgle a roaring waterfall is. Below the falls there is a 200 meter deep gorge that you can photograph the most spectacular of the intersection just above the Manojlovac Falls.


Just one kilometer behind Manojlovac is the waterfall Rošnjak which differs from all the others of the park: here not the typical paths, pools and steps have been formed but the water falls by a gaggle rule edge unimpeded into the depths, then flows further on himself level. Although the waterfall is 8.4 meters high, it is very spectacular by the steep mountain walls surrounding it.


This step structure measures 23.8 meters in height and is just a few hundred yards behind Rošnjak. The gorge here is gradually changing into a valley, the once near-vertical walls flatten and make this cascade easily accessible. For this reason, here in 1906 one of the first hydroelectric power stations in Europe was built. The enormous size of the Krafwerks it can be estimated that in him permanently the amount of water is needed, which flows within half a year by the Krka it.

Krka monastery

The Manastir Krka, which actually bears the name Sveti Arhandel was first mentioned in 1402. Back then gave Jelena Subic, the sister of Emperor Dusan, named after an archangel building Orthodox monks. Since then, it overlooks the Krka on the valley Arandelovac and further emphasized the already peaceful and contemplative atmosphere of this place. The numerous and complicated reconstruction measures, however, were not completed until the late 18th century, so that established a headstrong style mix of Byzantine and Mediterranean elements in the walls. Opposite the monastery on the east side of the river Krka are the last remnants of medieval castles, three kilometers away is the village Kristanje - but otherwise directs round none of the meditative contemplation and the beauty of nature from.


Two kilometers behind Miljacka when the rushing and gushing Krka calmed down, there is an idyllic green valley. Special gem of this region is the Monastery Manastir Krka, which was built here between the 14th and 18th centuries. Because of the high proportion of marl in the soil occurs at this point especially much fresh water into the ground, and a sub-Mediterranean flora thrives under the almost perpetual sun. That this is a particularly peaceful and livable place here already found families Bogetic and Martinušić, who built their castles here in the 14th century of which unfortunately only ruins remain today.


The barrier at the end of the six-kilometer long lake calm the course of Krka so much that it almost looks like a stagnant here. The just so open valley landscape narrows here with rugged, gray rocks, at the 150m high walls at best Adler can feel comfortable. Far from above hikers curious and cautious about the cliffs from below looking boat trippers on the vertical rock formations rising. Then suddenly swing comes back into the watercourse and Roski joins with its myriad small steps, islands, barriers and cases. About 27 meters of altitude, the Krka widens here of a narrow canyon on a 450m wide lake.


At Roski the Krka flows through between steep cliffs pass over sharp rocks and rough rocks. As in a natural Stause the hineinpreschende here water is caught, tossed, thrown back and dismissed in peace after many escapades at the other end of the course again. Previously formed over a length of 600 meters, rapids and small waterfalls that make nature appear ald creative, tasty essence. Everywhere sparkles and thunders the water, it foams and hisses, swirls and virtually seem to dance. On the banks dense green growing on gray rock, the water can be seen in the particularly flat spots shine through the reddish marl, who heads the groundwater here in the riverbed. Overall, one counts on Roski 12 Kaskarden that - it maintains at least the vernacular - are by no means a natural origin. In fact, the red rocks underwater namely tile roofs, the gray thresholds walls should be, and the whole reason of Roski slap the legendary sunken city Roski themselves who may well have perhaps been here in legendary time on dry ground, but in any case at extremely awkward place would have been built.

Medu Gredama

Behind the Roski slap the banks of the Krka constrict back to a ravine - the Medu gredama. This scenery covers about 500 meters, the canyon between 50 and 100 meters wide, and the rock walls are up to 15 meters high. The structure of the layered rock layers here is unique: a cave with three openings per Suplja offers an incomparable view of the landscape. Subheadings and to the upper end of the plateau can be reached best by foot from Brištane, but also by boat from the sight of this Krka section is impressive and worth seeing. Those who book a cruise on the adjoining gorge Visovačko jezero, is usually also brought here.

Visovačko jezero

The largest lake in the National Park measured up to a kilometer in width and is framed by two waterfalls. The bank structure is characterized by gentle, little steep slopes in the upper part. Here, several communities have settled, forming a rural community under the name Miljevci. Three kilometers from the gorge Medu gredama is the interesting monastery island Vesovac that one of the main attractions of the National Park. On the opposite banks overgrown ancient stone and downy oak. Another 6 kilometers downriver, the spectacular travertine waterfall Skardinski includes baked on.


In the northern part of the 12km Lake Visovačko jezero the one hectare, partly artificially reclaimed island Visovac is the Franciscan monastery from the year 1445 on it. Originally lived here in the 14th century Augustinian monks in a small, rustic monastery. But when the threat of the Turkish army in 1440 was too big, they fled. Only five years later took over Bosnian Franciscans the island and built their own monastery. From here the monks had a beautiful view of vineyards and olive groves, they hardly could enjoy, they were committed to the study of philosophical writings. These books - including the Aesop's Fables in a version of 1487, early Croatian fonts and handwritten manuscripts are still kept and exhibited in the library. Also here is also added in the 16th century church that the refugees offered protection and hope at the time of the Turkish invasion. Today only eight monks live on the island. How meditate their coreligionists past centuries and study them in the seclusion of the island - but also enjoy regular contact with the outside world in the form of interest and tactful visitors. At the island is best reached by one of the excursion boats that leave daily at 10:30, 12:30 and 14:30 to the four-hour sightseeing tour of the lake. At least, visitors have ample opportunity to take in the landscape beyond the island to yourself! However, if you just want to make a special visit to the old walls and gladly dispenses with the itinerary, the attention of the monks on the banks can attract a standing with shouting and waving. If you will notice, you will be picked up and ferried from one of the brothers.


When Skardinski buk another creek in the Krka enters - the Cikola. this flow also is here dammed on the width and tranquility of a lake, so that the last three kilometers of its original riverbed darliegen today flooded and you can hardly recognize it as the river. Rather it looks when viewed from above as if you are standing here in front of a single, boomerangförmigen lake. Following the Cikola upriver one can find equally beautiful and almost as impressive natural formations such as at the Krka. In the source area there is even a circular, 150m wide lake that Torak, in the depth of 30 meters the water arises from a karstic well.

Skradinski Buk

The most beautiful travertine waterfalls in Europe is between the small town of Skradin and Lozovac and is repeatedly approached daily by boatloads of parking management. For good reason: The 800 m long 17-Stepped rock formation, on the flowing water here is not only pleasing to the eye but the legend also home to elves, goblins and water spirits. This formed and changed their home in earlier times as it sees fit, now pushes to the convertible-like structure of the Skradinski Buk rather the seasons and the erosion. When the snow melts here thundering up to 300 cubic meters per second on the karst ground and the rocks, and even in the summer when the this opening into the Krka Cikola is dry, there are still on average 50. This imposing, daunting and yet romantic waterfall not only serves as a backdrop for many holiday pictures and picture postcard but delighted bathers and beach visitors who indulge on the banks of the pleasure of times to see while swimming anything but endless horizons or small islands.

freshwater limit

At the foot of Skardinski Buk waterfall, the water masses from the source of the Krka and across from the Adriatic mouth geschwemmte seawater flow together. At low water levels this occurs directly under the waterfall, in the spring when the melt water raises the level, only a few kilometers further down the river. Here, the water do not mix around, but the lighter and less dense fresh water forms an upper layer of first 2-7 meters, including purges the seawater in the opposite direction. However, the fresh water layer decreases the further course of the Krka and flows in the mouth area almost exclusively saltwater in the Adriatic Sea.


In the picturesque town, the most is the starting point for exploring the Krka National Park, remembered today not much in the turbulent history: Already the Illyrians knew from a small town to report to the large waterfalls, the town Scardona. They tell of wealthy fishermen and wealthy merchants. These reports might Slavs made and attracted envious of their migration, definitely the place was soon destroyed. Only the early Croatian kings, who built here in the unique landscape their Pfalz, could bloom again the area. 1522 Skradin was conquered by the Turks, soon fought over by the Venetians and strategically expanded and was until 1830 even bishopric. Today, the site sets as recreation and excursion city is Who has a little time should calmly look at the city -. Because while around the fruit market and the Marina quite lively bustle - tourist boat tickets or return of the excursions, restaurant owners are trying to loud cries guests to win for their specialties, on the beach promenade to stroll along in the splendor of yachts and off - the back streets of the village often deserted. Nested and confusing they writhe in shadow rough houses with the characteristic red roofs, the lush green hill. Here live the 700 inhabitants and it focuses on the holiday homes of wealthy Sibenik and a parish church from the 17th century is also seen.


More Attractions


Ethnographic Museum

A former mill on the upper cataract is now the ethnographic museum of the national park. Here you can learn how the inhabitants of the surrounding villages and farms have lived and mismanaged in the past. Well worth a visit not only because the park entrance also equal the fee for the museum card to pay for another: Here you will find next to the regular milling operation also a clever 'eco-washing machine ": The river water spills into a round stone basin, is whirled through nachdrückende water masses and again pressed out which hung in baskets in the basin wash cleans almost by itself! Outside agricultural equipment available where you can see that the daily work with the laundry by no means came to an end and on narrow paths and wooden planks stairs it goes uphill to the best views of the park. Anyone who feels fit enough should take this little walk and just remember his camera! The museum is daily during the season 8:00 a.m. to 22:00 open.


In the Middle Ages the region was dominated by the River Krka from feuding and warring noble families. While the rural population tended their goats, the vineyards ordered and produced oil built the noble houses and imposing military age castles whose ruins can still be seen today along the river course. Downstream you can still see outside the park, the castle Knin, the National Park follow Tronsenj, Bogočin and Neceven, a little further south and Bogočin Vilingrad. Of all these former magnificent the ground are still preserved and they all share the same fate: Built in the 14th century, eventually conquered by a mighty Croatian family, collected in 1522 by the Turkish army to the Ottomans had to withdraw 1686th Only the further located towards the Adriatic fortresses Kamicak where the famous Cardinal and guardian of a king Juraj Utjesinovic was born in 1482, is older: Dating back to the 13th century. And Kljucica that battle castle built in 1330 near Skardin is still the best preserved of all the forts today. But when the time destroyed the stone and has the chambers taken their roofs are the castles always still indicator and address for one thing: the best view over the Krka Valley. They are always at the highest points with stunning panoramic views and had to be held during this earlier by hostile troops out you can today to see just enjoy!


Before the Krka Park was declared a nature reserve, lived a mostly Peasant society in its environment. Goats would graze and houses had to be built so that the formerly dense forest was gradually largely deforested and reforested only in recent years at the lower Krka course again. Thus, the flora of the park is indeed represent no more than the authentic, they would be if the area would actually untouched by man, but more varied a lot more interesting.

After the disappearance of the trees made room for numerous smaller plants in the shade of the tree tops hardly would be able to spread. So today offers a jungle thicket exemplary, which corresponds to 60% of Mediterranean flora as well as to 20% influences from the southern fauna exhibits.

Nationalpark Krka Kroatien 3 Nationalpark Krka - Flora

The other 20% of the trees, shrubs and perennials proliferating are widespread and not just specific to find in a region. In total 860 known plant species have already been documented.

This species richness is primarily made possible by the large water surfaces of lakes that store the heat of the summer and well into the winter months in, and so provide a mild klime, also soak the soil in the drought enough freshwater. Just at the south end of the lake grows a healthy marsh vegetation, especially beautiful is reflected in generous lilies areas and reed banks.


particularly widespread


  • Ilex
  • Mastic
  • Privet
  • Manna ash
  • Trilobal maple
  • Flaumeiche
  • Aleppo pine
  • Black pine


Marsh plants:


  • Black Kopfired
  • Head rush
  • Juncus Subnodulosus
  • White water lily
  • Dough


Who after cuddly, furry little animals as in a Disney forest lookout in Krka Park, missed the most interesting part: mammals are here not particularly common, but can be 220 species of birds, discover 18 different fish and countless amphibians. buzz in the air, on the ground, at sea and on the plants, fly, crawl, hop, climb, swim and live anywhere the original copies and the final inventory of biologists is still not in view. So far we know, after all, that one of the four salmon family lives only here in the Krka, total estimates to the freshwater fish species up to 12, which the Krka occupies a leading position in European comparison. Especially in spring and autumn the cliffs and the trees of the park are animated brisk. Migratory birds can be here on their journey between the hemispheres down, rare eagles can be seen here in the looting or the construction of its Horst.

When the sun goes met a bright chirping the air - the bats are active and set out to hunt for all de insects, which are the next day sting no more visitors. Even otherwise you have nothing to fear from the wildlife around the Krka: While it is possible that a snake crosses the trail, but they are harmless to humans and predators like badgers and jackals have far more palatable on the menu are a humanoid. So the fauna of the National Park Krka for biologists is a phenomenon and a popular research area, for regular visitors but only a feast for the eyes - and where they can take their eyes off the other natural beauties ever!

Particularly Widespread



  • Salmo marmoratus
  • Hazel
  • Rudd
  • Bitterling
  • Chub




  • Teichmolch
  • Common toad
  • Edible frog
  • Toad
  • Grottenolm




  • Armored Creep
  • Smaragdeidechse
  • Tortoise
  • Slices finger
  • Terrapin




  • Four lined snake
  • Leopard snake
  • Montpellier snake
  • Horned viper




  • Heron
  • Wild geese
  • Wild ducks
  • Snipes
  • Coot
  • Field warbler
  • Swallows
  • Sailor




  • Jackal
  • Steinmarder
  • Badger


Rare animals:


  • Golden eagle
  • Short-toed eagle
  • Hawks
  • Owls
  • Otter
  • Bats (18 species)

National Park Krka - Geo

In addition to regular tourists mostly keep some geomorphologists in Krka National Park. However, these can not fully enjoy the view and the beauty of nature, given them the Krka but some headaches. It is still not clear why it is precisely here came to just those processes that show up on their thousands of years of formation as we see it today and appreciate. Although the evidence gathered so far outline an interesting picture, but completely is to the Rästel to the Krka Park might never be able to solve.



It is known that in Dalmatia prevails the Karst. Through this porous bottom of the river is in its
entire course of not only fed by rain and spring water but also by the liquid from inside the Earth.

Krka National Park Croatia 4These water contact for Vrschein if them in the otherwise permeable grounNationalpark Krka Kroatien 4d suddenly a layer marl "in the way". They carry minerals and particles into the river bed, which in turn are deposited on small plants and jams, which occur throughout the centuries basin walls and barriers of tufa and travertine.

The water flows now through thes
e barriers, it appears, according to their height than rapids or a waterfall. the barrier grows to such an extent that the flow is not enough water masses are to flood at the top comb, it becomes a lake. The erosion forces of the water and the sediments act today permanently contrary, so that overall a fairly stable landscape has emerged that - remain so in the coming centuries yet so obtained - provided that all park visitors observe environmental protection measures and the global climate is not changing dramatically will.


And today it seems difficult to see how in a region that is famous for its summer drought, could make up to 200m deep lakes and gorges. Nowadays, the water content in Krka Park is indeed regulated by locks and so maintained throughout the year fairly constant, but this technique was of course only after the area was fully formed. One assumes that could emerge the structure towards the end of the last ice age, because the slopes were without vegetation and thus more prone to erosion time. As then conditionally grew by good sunny climate and the mineral kingdom freshwater first algae and mosses, this strengthened also the soil and riverbed stabilized. On the slopes also sprouted more and more varied plants, so that the Krka also could not widen easily. Although in some places created but about 100m wide, relatively flat river routes but the majority of the course form a readily identifiable stone structures that provide the Krka only upward room for expansion, which in turn explains the impressive depth.


A special feature of the Krka is the high CaCO2 content of the water. This is thanks to them that the river does not seep into the loose tuff basic but flows to the sea. Incidentally, the mineral content of the river also changes dramatically elsewhere in its course: While natural freshwater from the soil occurs at the source near Knin, the Krka is already filled kilometers off the Adriatic mouth with salt water. This is due to erosions just described above, which have the riverbed in the lake near Sibenik far below seabed level can decrease while the sea level about 10,000 years ago increased dramatically so that the salty sea water is flushed in and mixes with the river water. In this sense, one could actually speak of the 20km of the mouth of the Krka as narrow bay of the Mediterranean. Others consider the Krka less from scientific viewpoints but simply appreciate its beauty and call it an "oasis in Croatia summer heat" - which is now geologically and biologically wrong, but even if we do not know exactly how it came to be also all geomorphologists and hydrologists agree that we are dealing with a "paradisiacal landscape"!


National Park Krka - Images

Krka Nationalpark Nationalpark Krka

Ausblick Krka Nationalpark Krka Nationalpark Ausblick

Krka Nationalpark Wasserfall Nationalpark Krka Wasserfall

Krka Nationalpark Brücke Nationalpark Krka Kroatien




National Park Krka - Video



Approach to the National park of Krka

The lying in North Dalmatia Krka National Park with its waterfalls to reach Sibenik on the road to Drnis driving. After about 10 km you have to leave the road to Skradin north, then to go to Lozovac or even about 8 km to Skradin. Who wants to Roski Waterfall, must continue to Drnis. There, the road branches off to the Roski waterfall.

Who wants to go with his boat to the National Park, this can over the river Krka to Skradin, only because the entrance to the National Park waters is not allowed.



Entrances of the National Park Krka

Input 1: Skradin - Directly in front of the place Skradin is a parking lot and the departure point of the taxi boats. The taxi boats bring in the season, between 10:00 and 18:00 and visitors free to the entrance below the Skradinski buk. Tickets can be bought previously on the harbor promenade in the tourist office or later at the entrance to the national park. On the way to the entrance one passes the Skradinbrücke. Alternatively heading north of the canyon is a lovely walk to the national park entrance.
Input 2: Lozovac - With his vehicle to reach a parking lot above the Skradinski buk in Lozovac. A bus takes visitors on a narrow dead-end street with several bends to top National Park entrance. From the terminus Buszubringers several pedestrian routes lead past the waterfall stages.
Input 3: Roski slap - this situated on the eponymous waterfall entrance can be reached by car via Siritovci. He recommended that those visitors who wish to explore the National Park by boat ride above the Roski Slap, which on a day visit to the Skradinski buk time hardly feasible.

Krka National Park - Map