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Yacht Charter Zadar

Zadar - a city of less than 80,000 inhabitants, is mainly influenced by Venetian and Roman influences. The construction of the city and walls of Zadar testify that.

The historic city center is fully restored and offers a beautiful setting for an evening stroll at the end of a sailing trip.

By the end of the 19th century Zadar served as a fortress to the Venetians. It is located on a narrow peninsula on the Adriatic sea and is separated from the mainland by a moat. As the capital city of northern Dalmatia, Zadar is an ideal base for your yacht charter. The arrival is quick and easy, it is connected by the European Route 65 and the Highway 1. 

The Zadar archipelago, with Ugljan, Pasman, Dugi Otok, Iz and the Kornati National Park with its 147 islands, makes Zadar ideal for a nice cruise. The driving to Zadar (even at night) is absolutely not a problem.


Charter Zadar


Hafen von Zadar Splash


In the northwest is the Tankerkomerc Marina (44 ° 07.02 'N 15 ° 13.7' E) in the northeast of the port. The marina is narrow and not very deep and in the back moorings run flat. The showers and toilet facilities are rather rustic.

1sm in the northwest is the Marina Borik (44 ° 07:54 'N 15 ° 12:36' E) located on a small peninsula. In the high season here have to be found alternative places. Also important to note is the Marina Dalmacija (44 ° 03 'N 15 ° 18' E) 7 km south of Zadar, which is built in a naturally protected bay near the places Bibinje and Sukosan.


Information about the Marina Zadar

History Zadar 

Zadar was a settlement already in the Illyrian times. The Romans called it Iader (Iadera), and Konstantinos Porphyrogennetos mentioned it in the 10th century as Diadora.

In the 2nd Century BC, the Romans conquered the city, built a capitol, fortifications, baths and an aqueduct. After 59 BC Zadar became a Roman Municipium, from 48 BC it is a colony of Roman citizens. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire Zadar became the capital of the Byzantine province of Dalmatia. From then on, the ruler of the city changed: firstly the Franks, and then in the 9th century Byzantine. After the plundering by pirates Zadar went 1000 under the protection of Venice and was ceded by the Byzantine emperor Alexius I formally.

In the 10th and especially in the 11th century Croatian rulers have held the actual control of the city. Zadar was the first time in 1069 under King Petar Kresimir IV to Croatia. In 1102 came Croatia, which also means Zadar with an agreement (pacta conventa) into a personal union with Hungary. From the early 12th century Zadar was attacked several times by the Republic of Venice. In 1118 hosts of the Hungarian-Croatian king Stephen II won over the Venetians and Ordelafo Faliero, the Doge of Venice, was killed outside the town. In 1202 Zadar was firstly under siege and eventually conquered by the Venetians with the help of the French Crusader army.


History Zadar

The Venetian and Croatian-Hungarian rule changed now. After several insurrections, Zadar came under the possession of the Hungarian-Croatian king Louis I (Treaty of Zadar in 1358). After his death, ruled king Sigismund, then Ladislas of Naples. He sold in 1409 Zadar and his rights on Dalmatia to Venice for 100,000 ducats.

Tha securing of the city began, because the Venetians took over the political and economic protection of the city. When the Ottomans conquered the hinterland in the early 16th century, the town became a strong fortification, that secured the Venetian trade in the Adriatic, as well as the administrative center for the Venetian possessions in Dalmatia. Zadar was the capital of the Venetian province double Dalmazia e Albania until 1797.

After the fall of Venice in 1797 Zadar came to Austria. The city then ceded in 1805 to France. During the French domination in Zadar, the first newspaper in the Croatian language, the Kraljski Dalmatin (1806-1810) was published.

In December 1813 Zadar came after a six-day bombardment after capitulation again to Austria, in whose possession it remained until 1918. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Dalmatia, which was one of the Austrian crown lands. In the second half of the 19th century Zadar was a center of Croatian cultural and national revival in Dalmatia, which actually represented a first-time nation-building. From 1838 appeared the Srpsko-dalamatinski magazine and from 1844 the literary magazine Zora dalmatinska. From 1862, the newspaper Il Nazionale was published twice a week, and once a week with the supplement PRILOG k Narodnom listu in Croatian. These were the newspaper of the Narodnjaci (English: the National), who wanted the Kingdom of Dalmatia to add Croatia and Slavonia. In the same year Matica dalmatinska was formed in Zadar, a Slavic cultural organization, after the model of Matica srpska and Matica Hrvatska. In 1863 Slavjanska čitaonica was opened in the city, a reading room, which was also the venue for Narodnjaci in the Dalmatian parliament (sabor).

Zadar was a garrison town of k.u.k Army until the First World War. In 1914 the I. and III. Battalion of the Militia Infantry Regiment N.23 was stationed here. Zadar fell through the Border Treaty of Rapallo (1920) to Italy after World War I. During World War II, the coastal town was the target of heavy air raids, which caused severe damage to the historic sites. The city was part of the Republic of Croatia within Yugoslavia in 1945/47. The largely Italian-speaking population then left almost completely the city and went to Italy (see Foibe massacre). Since 1991, Zadar is part of the independent Republic of Croatia, and is becoming one of the main Adriatic seaports.


Heritage Zadar

Zadar, located on a narrow peninsula on the Adriatic Sea and the Zadar Channel, is separated from the mainland by a moat. Zadar was a fortress until 1873. The city has a large port, four gates (including the Port Gate with a Roman triumphal arch and was built after the design of Sanmicheli’s Porta di Terraferma) and consists of four districts. The majority of the old town is in Venetian architectural style. Places worth to mention are the Lord's Square (Piazza dei Signori) and Gradska Straza (including the Public Library), and the fountain square with ancient Corinthian column. Such can also be found on the Simeon square.


Culturally and  historically significant churches:

Zadarkirche yacht_charter_kroatien_sunja_yachting


  • the Cathedral of St. Anastasia (Croatian Sv. Stošija), a Romanesque basilica from the second half of the 13th Century., With beautiful marble altars and paintings
  • the Church of St. Elias
  • the Church of St. Simeon with the ornate reliquary of St. Simeon
  • the church of the convent of St. Mary in the Lombard style
  • the former church of the Holy Trinity (the oldest in the city, according to the legend was built from the ruins of a juno temple in the 9th century), now Museum of Antiquities
  • the Church of St. Donat from the 9th century
  • Church of the Holy Chrysogonus (Sv. Krševan)


Other important monuments are:

  • the Roman Forum
  • the former palace of the priors
  • the Archbishop's Palace,
  • the Arsenal

Architecturally remarkable wells are: Pet Bunara ("Five Wells"). Here can also be found the remains of a Roman aqueduct. Along with many other religious communities in Zadar, the Order of the Carmelites is represented.



Pictures Zadar

Harbour Zadar Cathedrale St. Anastasia in Zadar

City center Zadar

Forum Zadar Church Zadar

Porta Terraferma Zadar cozy street in Zadar

City center Zadar at night lighthouse Zadar

Zadar Promenade Port Harbour Zadar



Video Zadar


Information Marina Zadar

Yacht Charter in Croatia Zadar

Marina Zadar is located in the central part of the Adriatic coast. In front of  Zadar extends the Zadar and Kornati archipelago, an archipelago of over 300 islands, islets and reefs. The Marina Zadar proves for many water sports enthusiasts as an ideal haven for a nautical adventure.

Marina Zadar is located right in the center of the 3000 year old city which offers numerous historical monuments, archaeological sites and cultural events, as well as modern shopping centers. Since Marina Zadar is protected by nature against the wind, it is a safe haven. In addition to the standard services (300 berths, 200 land berths, cranes, automatic ramp, etc.) the Motomarina service is available to guests for any repairs and replacement parts. If you do not own a boat, but you want to spend an unforgettable vacation, there is the possibility at our Marina Zadar charter to rent a motor or sailing boat. After a leisurely day spent at sea, the marina complex offers for the evening hours the restaurant "Maestral" or casino Zadar.

Die Marina Zadar wurde mit der “Blauen Flagge” ausgezeichnet. Dieses exklusive Öko-Label wird als eine Anerkennung für hohe Umweltstandards, sowie gute Sanitär-und Sicherheitseinrichtungen einer Marina zugeteilt. Außer der Marina Zadar hat Tankerkomerc noch eine Dependance, die Marina “Ić Veli” auf der gleichnamigen Insel, nur 14 See

Marina Zadar has been awarded with the "Blue Flag". This exclusive eco-label is assigned as a tribute to high environmental standards and good sanitary and safety facilities of a marina. Besides Marina Zadar, Tankerkomerc has a branch, the Marina "Veli IŽ" on the island, only 14 miles away from Zadar. Zadar does not only offer natural beauties, but there are also numerous opportunities to enjoy an active holiday: cycling and hiking tours, horseback riding, mountain climbing, free climbing, fishing, rafting, canoeing, hunting wild etc.


Pictures Marina Zadar

Hafen von Zadar Luftaufnahme von Zadar

Café Marina Zadar Saubere Toiletten am Hafen Zadar

Marina Zadar Kroatien Marina Zadar Yachthafen

Hafen Zadar Zadar Hafen


Service Marina Vodice

  • 300 moorings
  • Maximum Draft: 8 m
  • Technical Service
  • Sale of gas
  • Electricity
  • Water supply
  • Parking
  • Grocers
  • Restaurant
  • Coffee Bar
  • Shower
  • WC
  • Weather forecast
  • Laundry

The marina is open year-round.


Video Insel Zadar 



Marina Zadar Map



Interactiv Map

Interactiv Map Marina Zadar



Contact Marina Zadar

Marina Zadar

Ivana Meštrovića 2
23 000 Zadar, Hrvatska

Phone: ++385 23 204 850
                      204 700
fax. ++385 23 333 917
e-mail: info@marinazadar.com

Yacht charter offers Zadar