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National Park Brijuni

National Park Brijuni


The National Park Brijuni (ital. Brioni) is a small archipelago in the Adriatic.

Fazana view to KornatFazana view to Kornati Island Croatiai Iceland CroatiaSie lies off the coast of the historic region of Istria only a few kilometers from the coastal town of Pula. The island group includes 14 individual islands. The total area of the park is inclusive of the surrounding water areas 36 km². Only the largest island, Veli Brijun, has hotel facilities and can be visited freely. On the other islands are partly state-owned and private property, which are guarded. The Brijuni Islands are known for their scenic beauty and variety. The entire archipelago is protected. The Brijuni National Park was established in the year 1983rd On Veli Brijun there is an extensive vivarium.

The Brijuni Islands can be reached via ferry connections of Fažana or from Pula. The creation by private boat is only allowed in the port of the main island. In addition, diving is permitted in the National Park by licensed diving centers.




Information about the National Park Brijuni


Brijuni National Park History

There are remains from all eras - from dinosaurs that have left several places of the island their tracks. There were theropods, like the Allosaurus. The islands were inhabited in advance cians time. Archaeological traces suggest a first settlement to about 3000 v. Chr. Out. From Roman ruins in Val Catena Bay / Uvala originate Verige. At a length of over one kilometer, the largest villa spreads there maritima of the Adriatic Sea, which originated in about Claudian period of two well late republican villa rustica. A large terraced residential buildings, a small temple area with three temples, a library, cisterns, a public bath (balnea) and a service wing with wine or

Brijuni Byzantinisches Kastell

Oil production facility; in later times was in the ruins of a dyeing. On the archipelago can be found in the Augustan period seven villa rustica and a saline and a quarry. The Byzantine Castrum of Val Madonna emerged also from a villa rustica, serving from about the 5th century as the only fortified settlement on the island to protect against pirates. Nearby there is the early Christian basilica St. Madonna and the remains of the Church of St. Peter. In the central area there is a castle from the Venetian period with a defensive tower and the St. Germanuskirche with copies of frescoes from Beram and Glagolitic writings. Until 1797 Venetian the islands were part of the Austrian Littoral. In 1866 gathered Admiral William Tegetthoff the Austrian fleet in the port of Fažana and led them out from there in the naval battle of Lissa (today Vis).

In 1893, the Austrian industrialist Paul Kupelwieser bought the islands and made them habitable. The reason for the "uninhabitable" was the disease malaria. Kupelwieser read in a newspaper that Robert Koch wanted to do in Italy research on malaria. He wrote him a letter then and explained the situation on the island. 1900-01 attended cooking the island twice. As carriers of malaria identified cook the Anopheles mosquito. The malaria eradication was carried out by a number of actions, namely the vaccination of the people on the island (V. A. workers who z.T. came from the penitentiary of Capodistria, and of course the inhabitants) and the rehabilitation of ponds by Petroleum. This prevented the proliferation and therefore favored the reduction or migration of the mosquito. Even today, a monument commemorates Robert Koch's visit to the island (by Joseph Engelhart 1902).

Brijuni Vestige

Kupelwieser placed in the old quarries on footpaths and protected "Bora Platzln" operational agricultural and dairy farming ( "Imperial cheese") and viticulture. Alois Zuffar was responsible for the botanical features, its pine and cypress trees rejoice today to visitors. Anton Gnirs made outstanding contributions to the excavation of Roman remains. Kupelwieser imported exotic plants and animals, built hotels had to build a submarine water line, relied on modern technology and made the island (Bahr 1908: "I have always wanted an island and always found only islands, until I came to Brioni ... ") at a fashionable health resort. 1913 was the first Winter swimming pool at the Austrian Adriatic. In the period before the First World War they were a meeting place for the nobility, industrialists and the upper middle class, numerous artists visited the island. Tennis, horses, swimming and sailing, a natural aromatherapy, the salty, dust-free air ensured a good recovery. Many regulars remained several months each year. With the help of Carl Hagenbeck he planted a zoo with monkeys canyons, an ostrich, enclosures antelopes and a pond with flamingos. During World War I, the island submarine base of k.u.k Navy.

From 1918 to 1943 Brioni belonged to Italy and became an international meeting place for sports enthusiasts: the then largest golf course in Europe, polo, regattas. The complex attitude of Polo horses for any interested guests then led together with high taxes to financial difficulties, which resulted in Paul Kupelwieser eldest son Karl shot. It continued to slide, to the Italian State took over the debt-ridden island. After the surrender of Italy in 1943 the Germans came. Therefore, the islands were bombed in 1945 - almost all buildings in the port area and the seaside resort Saluga were destroyed, the Hotel Neptun 1. Large losses also contributed Neptune III thereof. After World War II the islands came to Yugoslavia and were as well as the largest part of Istria region of Croatia.

From 1947 to the Yugoslav state and party leader Tito had forbidden here one of his favorite residences, the entire archipelago was thus for the ordinary population. The remains of the old buildings were z.T. demolished z.T. constructed and newly renovated. Tito popular and frequently received on Brijuni state guests and numerous Hollywood stars. 1956, the then President Tito also signed the agreement establishing the Non-Aligned Movement with the presidents Nehru and Nasser on the island, which is thereby called Brioni declaration.

After Tito's death (1980), the islands were a national park. The Veli Brijun continues to be used by the Croatian government for state receptions and the summer residence of the Croatian President. On Veli Brijun the 10-day war in Slovenia ended with Belgrade with the Brioni Declaration in 1991st


Flora and Fauna

Briunij 6

On the islands there are about 680 species of plants, many of which are endangered in the rest of Istria and can develop freely. Well known are the large oak forests. In addition to various indigenous Mediterranean species such as holly, myrtle, strawberry trees, bushes have, manna ash or broom nations live here also imported species such as pine, various pine and cedar as Cedars, eucalyptus, fir, redwood trees or cypress. Also exotic plants such as palms and cacti are planted generously.

A special attraction is the so-called. Ancient olive tree. With the C-14 method has been found that this is approximately 1600 years old.

Much of the vegetation at the Brioni islands has Mediterranean characteristics. The main plants categories on Veliki Brijun are:




The ecological differences of locations defying (surveys, sunny location, soil, constant influence of the sea), occurs in a large part to Veliki and Mali Brijun on a process called Macchia vegetative stage of the forest. The scrub is found on all the islands. On the smaller islands it occurs entirely on the forest types already mentioned. Because of living on Veliki Brijun Wilds maquis is partially changed here. The most beautiful Macchia is up to 8 meters high, thick and impenetrable, and on the Peneda peninsula (Veliki Brijun) and the islands of Vanga, Madona and Mali Brijun found unchanged. This scrub is one of the most representative scrub areas of the Mediterranean.


Mediterranean Plants

Besides oak, there are other important indigenous Mediterranean plant elements, such as the large-leafed stone Linden, arbutus, myrtles, oaks and mastic trees, heather and flowering ash.

The twining sarsaparilla, butcher's broom, the Asparagus which Dioscorea communis and the Mediterranean Wildrose make the forest almost impassable.


Strawberry Tree - Arbutus unedo

A Mediterranean plant that is located by a beautiful evergreen shrub or small tree. It grows as an ornamental plant of the maquis in many places on the Adriatic coast. The greenish white flowers develop into a rich and beautiful resplendent bloom October to November. The orange-red round fruits that resemble strawberries, are uneven and dense with absorbed at the surface. Nutlets seeded. The fruits are not particularly tasty, and are not particularly valued in our coastal areas. Consuming a larger amount fruits causes digestive problems and is almost a drunk equal. Even the ancient Romans knew the effect of these fruits in the enjoyment in larger quantities. The name "unedo", an ancient Roman term for this berry is, translated by Pliny "unum tantum edo" (I eat only one).

On the Brioni part of the fruit is processed into brandy.



Myrtle - Myrtus communis

Nationalpark Brijuni Landschaft

Myrtle originates from the East, and was brought in prehistoric times in the Mediterranean countries. In the ancient peoples was this lovely aromatic plant, as well as the laurel, sacred and highly valued.

It was also widely cultivated. As sprawl it grows only in sunny and warm coastal areas because it is sensitive to cold. The plant flowers in July and August with five white and delicate, pleasant smelling petals and much pollen.

Their berries ripen in November. Myrtle berries have a pleasant, sweet, aromatic and somewhat resinous flavor. The ancient Athenians they ate fresh, and in ancient Rome they were used as a spice and digestive drink.



Oak - Pistacia terebinthus

Other name: turpentine-pistachio, terebinth pistachio turpentine.

A branched to 10 m high deciduous shrub with aromatic, resinous odor and a rich beautiful crown. The leaves grow alternate on a 20 cm long stem, pinnate, consisting of 5-11 elongated oval, uniform at the edges of leaves that are dark green and bright on the underside of the top. occur on the leaves frequently resembling of carob gall caused by insect bites. The tiny greenish flower buds develop into long straight grape-shaped flowers from April, coinciding with the leaves.

The oak is a Mediterranean tree which is to be found here in the bush and in the undergrowth of the coastal region. It grows in dry, warm and rocky areas from Istria to Albania.

The fruits of the terebinth pistachio are non-toxic and can be eaten in raw state, and have a bitter and astringent, resinous and aromatic flavor. The fruits are some places used as a remedy for constipation. Earlier, the young shoots were cooked and eaten this plant.



The old olive tree

Olive tree (lat. Olea eurpea mill.)

The old olive tree is one of the oldest olive trees in the Mediterranean region. This is confirmed by studies that have been made to a wood sample of the old olive tree by the Institute Ruđer Bošković in Zagreb in the 60s of the last century. By means of the method of carbon analysis (by applying radioactive isotope of carbon C14 on the sample a piece of wood from the root collar of the trunk of the olive tree) an age of about 1,600 years was found.

In the 70s of the last century, the olive tree was broken by a storm into two parts. The incurred as a result of the bursting of the strain wounds were concrete conserved (a time in the Arboriculture very popular method for preservation).

The treetop has a bird's-eye 22 x 8 meters, with a height of 6 meters.

The olive tree is still fertile, thus throwing off fruit from which oil is produced.

The harvesting of the olives takes place in October, and an average of about 30 kg will be harvested. From the 30 kg of olives about 4.1 kg of oil resulting in average in the quality extra virgin (certificate of the chemical components in the laboratory of the Institute of Public Health of the city of Pula). The best chemical analysis showed 0.11% free fatty acids, the peroxide value was 1.95.

The olive tree is an integral part of the unique landscape of Brioni and are, with its lush and rich treetop and the impressive extent of his tribe, a distinctive image in this micro location, in which it is located, from.


Invasive species

In addition to the native (indigenous) species, the plant population of parklands and avenues still styles complemented by numerous introduced (allochthonous): pine, Aleppo pine, western Mediterranean pine, Turkish pine, black pine, Atlantic cedar, Himalayan and Lebanese cedar, Greek and Spanish fir, redwood, cypress, eucalyptus, among others

Exotic plants are mainly grouped around the villas and hotels and been planted (palm trees, yucca, cactus, among others).




Briunij Wald
The community of oak forests are found in their typical composition in some places of the island of Veliki Brijun (the most beautiful area is east of the White Villa), where there is also on Mali Brijun a small community of oaks.


Holm oak - Quercus Ilex

The oak is also called Green Oak because it is an evergreen that has spread from the southern coasts of Europe to North Africa. The tree grows up to 25 meters high, has a short stem, its scope can be more than 1 m, it has a large, oval and thick crown. The bark is gray and smooth in young plants, however, is split open in the elderly in almost square plates. The leaves are simple, arranged alternately, leathery and remain even 2 - 3 years on the tree. The flower is the glans, which is small and up to half a consisting of hairy scales fruit cup (Cupula) covered. The acorns of oak have all acorns the largest energy value and the least tannic acid and are therefore also suitable for eating. About the palatability of acorns there are details in works of several ancient writers. Pliny writes, for example. That the glans tastes best when it is baked in ashes. Just the acorn of oak has been sung by the poet Mavro Vetranović, which she held for geschackvoller as the chestnut.

Oak forests are represented along with the laurel trees most common in the eastern part of Veli Brijuns. Nowhere on the Croatian coast there are such common areas of mixed forest stand of oaks and bay trees, which is one of the greatest curiosities of Brioni. On the lower floor of this community also grow the strawberry tree and the Moreton Bay privet.


Landscape park

Much of the open grassland, built on former agricultural land that existed in the past, long and were then abandoned because of the increasingly diminishing population (illness, emigration ...). During the work on the redesign of Brioni in a modern tourist area (from 1894), a part of the indigenous scrub and bush forest has been reduced, but remained the largest and most beautiful trees and holm oak groups unaffected. Some of these trees are now prime solitaires, so secluded trees (with canopy of up to 20 m), featuring individual clearings and lookout points and give them their identity. The game provides the ordinary appearance of these trees, which take the form of an "umbrella" (up to a height of 2 m there are no branches, because the wild the leaves and young shoots ablaubt), better than it could ever do a gardener.



Oiseau heinAbout 250 species of birds, such as cormorants rare, can be found here. In a Saline a bird sanctuary was established. can be found on the island of hares and imported deer and European mouflon to wild mammals. The island is populated by countless peacocks, lizards, Käutzchen, gulls and cicadas.
There is also an ethno-park where a typical Istrian farm with Istrian ox (Boškarin), Istrian sheep (Pramenka), donkeys and goats will be presented.
One of the biggest attractions of the islands is the Safari Park at the north end Veli Brijuns; Since 1979 here elephants, llamas, zebras, nilgai, Somali sheep, Indian holy cows, donkeys and ostriches are presented. After the elephant Sony died in the spring, his wife Lanka alone. Star Island is Tito Gelbhaubenkakadu Koki, who can still laugh so and cough even 30 years after the death of his master as he.



Animals in the wild

The hare (Lepus europaeus sp.) Was found on the archipelago, and 1902-1908 brought to the Axishirsche (Aksis Aksis), fallow deer (Dama dama) and mouflon (Ovis musimon) on the island, so that their descendants today the crowning of forests, parks and glades of Brijuni are, as well as a part of his identity and the overall experience of its visitors.

Reich represented is also native birds. Individual smaller islands are exceptional habitats where gulls and terns nest, and rare species of shag. The Brioni are a very important season conditional residence for northern bird populations, and here is the location of Saline is very interesting. It is a very humid room with three marshy ponds and an area of about 8 hectares, which is fenced to protect this ornithological reserve. Much surrounded by reeds lake provides good conditions for the breeding of throttle warblers, purple chickens mask barn owls and wild ducks. In the mud and shallow water the birds find insects, mosquito spawning and Gambusien so little fish, which have played a very important role in the fight against malaria at the beginning of the last century. In this inclosed space to ground plants and low plants can develop undisturbed because there is no influence from the Wild here, so this habitat for various Warbler, nightingales, thrushes, willow warblers and other songbirds is ideal. In the treetops of pine hawk, hawks and buzzards build their nest. Of the other birds of prey can be seen regularly the marsh harrier and the hen harrier. With the end of the summer and autumn come various spa located on the transit of birds in the Saline, which then continue on their way south. In August you can see Gadwall, Wigeon and spoonbills, egrets diving, pintails and teals. Of the herons can be the little egrets, herons, the purple heron, the Squacco Heron and the Night Heron encounter.
The presence of large egrets, black storks and bitterns indicates that this habitat is also meaningful for rare and endangered species of birds, as they not only peace will also find enough food.


Safari Park

In the northern area of Veliki Brijun a safari park in 1978 in a fenced area in the size of 9 ha furnishings, home to exotic herbivores: Indian elephants Sony and Lanka, llamas - of South American camels which according to an Indian legend during the earliest epoch been tamed of human existence, zebras, Nilgaus and kob antelopes, Somalian sheep and Indian holy cows and typical donkey.


The Nilgaus or nilgai are a gift from India from Nehru from the year 1959th
Often the benefits of Antelope be described with just three words: fast, timid and lovely animals. In Africa, they are regarded as "faster than the wind, and incredible like a dream". From her big eyes with long eyelashes they also exude a gentleness, timidity but fear of a tracker off. Your real home is Asia, but today they are spread across Africa: in the plains and savannas, jungles and river valleys, and even in the mountain slopes. The Arabic name for the antelope means "flower eye". The strong nilgai are the only representative of large antelope in South Asian soil. The origin, this is an Indian antelope. Because of the dark blue color of the male They are also called Blue Antelope. They live in small herds, the males kneeling during a fight on the front legs. The females give birth to 1 to 2 cubs.

The Kob or Moorantilopen are a gift from Zambia in 1962 from Kenneth Kaunda.
It is an African antelope, with yellow-brown color in males and females. For the males, the 70 cm long sharp horns are characteristic, and particularly graceful attitude they owe the relative to the front part raised rear part of her body. 40 males and females together in herds - in their natural habitat live 20. The females are already sexually mature at 2-3 years and take each one offspring.

The Somali sheep, are a gift from Ethiopia from 1959. Your actual home is Asia, but they are spread to Europe, Africa and the northern parts of America. Each mountain range in Asia has one or two specific types of sheep, and so was also the Somali sheep. They are mainly dark colored, but dominated the dark brown color. The rams long hair under the strong neck and down curved horns while both the horns and hair are short in females. Rarely calves two cubs. The sheep live in large herds.
Since the animals in Sararipark move freely and the common life has played its part, was born on 05.03.2003 also Brionko the light of day, a young calf, which is a mixture of Somali sheep and mouflon. A lovely specimen of a rare, probably unique case, an ever taken place pairing between a mouflon and a Somali sheep.

Llamas are South American camels, and differ from real camels by a smaller body and a relatively large, very compact head with a pointed snout, large eyes and slender legs, with more cloven hooves. The Lamas have only one hump, and her hair is long and woolly. They live in the highlands of the mountain range Cordillera up at an altitude of 4500 m. From their wool manufacture the Indians always blankets and ponchos.

The steppe and mountain zebra (Equus quagga and Equus zebra), came as a gift from Seku Ture from Guinea 1960 and 1961 by Brioni. An ancient Latin writers reported that the Roman emperor Caracalla n in 211th BC. Except tigers, elephants, rhinos, also a "tiger horse" sent into the arena, and it killed by hand. Obviously, this writer has thought of this name to a particular type of African wild horses or zebras.

Briunij 3

The mountain zebra is similar to more than one horse donkey. They live in the mountainous regions of East Africa and South and usually move in along with large herds of antelope, giraffes and ostriches. Even the lion, they can be prey Meanwhile, fears their small but rock hard hooves. Despite numerous attempts to this day is not is able to tame pets than to zebras. Even today there are among the opinions zoologists different if their protection in the landscape serves as a striped coat, or not.

The holy or Indian Zebu cattle (Bos indicus) was passed in 1959 as a gift from India Nehru. This small holy cattle is actually a dwarf species of Indian sacred cows. It is characteristics of a cow has it all, it's just smaller and much lighter in weight. Adult oxen are dark brown, and with strong horns Short characteristic and a stool, are stored in the food reserves. The oxen are up to 300 kg, whereas cows weigh up to 150 kg. It is each one offspring is calved.

The Elephant - Elephantidae - namely the elephant Indian Brioni (Elephas maximus) are also a gift from India from 1974 to elephants are large and 3m weigh up to 4 - 5 tons. They live in the jungles of India, Sri Lanka, Borneo and Sumatra. The bull can reach up to 6 tons, and are also the largest Thus the earth on land mammals. Despite its size iron and an elephant has easy transition, as have a his feet surfaces elastic Bindegewebspolster as a pillow. He moves on quasi tiptoe. can feel with his trunk he, smell, breathe, and trumpets, if required. He daily needs at least 80 kg of diet, and by pulling proboscis 10:06 liters of water with a suction so that it even goes up to 200 liters of water at once.

Donkeys (Roko and Bero) were of poor people once animals which mainly served agriculture loads from and to bear, Sometimes and are used for plowing. In our country, they are always questions and already give a rare endangered species. Both the Safari Park are also found as Istrian Dalmatian donkey, which represent a specific attraction.


Ethno Park

The located under Ethno Park of safari parks, animals and a present typical Istrian farm: Istrian cattle (boškarin) Istrian sheep (Istrian "Pramenka"), donkeys and goats.
It is intended locals to make this a place here animals Istria to life and to give it known that he so also includes facilities that these pets are adequately the living conditions. It is is Istrian open shelters (covered with a surface feeding place).


Briunij 4

Is the Istrian ox a "proto-ox"? Over the origin of Boškarins there are numerous considerations. Some tend to put him in the genre of lowland cattle that came to Istria with the Roman legions in the first centuries after Christ. It is also known that the records kept by Attila in 452 hoards, the lowland cattle brought to our area. Others say old because of over 10,000 net remains of wild cattle from Istrian caves that the Istrian ox could be a direct descendant of the wild aurochs. The Istrian cattle has a strong physique and a robust shape. It belongs to the genus of primigenen cattle. Its color is light gray, with dark gray pigments and darker shades, mostly on the neck, the front legs, stomach and parts of the face are located.

The head is elongated, with lively and lovely eyes. The ear cups are covered with dark hair, and the lower and inner part of the tail.

A special sign of recognition of this genre is the provided with pigments palate and the dark gray tongue. The real Istrian ox has a black forehead. The horns are at the root of gray or yellowish gray, while the tip of the horn is usually black.

The calf is born in a reddish-brown color, but at the age of three months, the mixture turns greyish. The Istrian ox is a late maturing species whose growth is completed in 6 years. This genus is the karst terrain and the local climate and the lack of pastures adapted well. It can take a lot is quiet, obedient and persevering at work, so it was to be used by the Istrians plowing the soil and when carrying loads. Not infrequently, it did up to 20 years his service.

According to the criteria of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Istrian ox is endangered.




Istrian sheep originated due to the Mediterranean sheep that was introduced in the past by the Istrians. in the development of this genre was probably also the sheep of the Istrian breed "Pramenka" involved. There is a large sturdier type of Istrian sheep (southern Istria), and a smaller type (area around Labin and Eastern Istria).

Despite the different theories regarding the coming into this race, it is clear that to this geographically isolated area a very tall growing dairy sheep has developed.

The sheep of aristocratic appearance and Greek profile
Istrian sheep already differs at first glance of our other races. It is the race of a großwüchsigeren milk sheep, or for a larger and longer sheep with elongated limbs. The basic color is white, but densely speckled with larger and smaller black blotches and spots. Also at the head often occur spots that are mostly black, but can also be light and dark yellow or brown.

Istrian sheep is mainly needed for milk production. In the period in which it yields milk (210 days) are produced 135-145 liters. Single sheep even be up to 200 liters, which is a very good basis to increase the milk production yet. Because of this milk production kg of cheese can be produced per sheep 15 to 20 On the Ćićarija a hard sheep's milk cheese is made - the "ćićarski" cheese. This cheese is traditionally made in a cheese kettle and the curd is crushed with a cheese harp ( "paklenar"), and after the curd has been removed from the boiler, it is laid out to dry on so-called "Lesnice". Here ripens the cheese about 20 days and is then suitable for consumption.




In a deep southern cove of the island of Veliki Brijun is located behind the headland Gromače bird reserve Saline. It extends over an area of 7 hectares, located on the marsh plants and three ponds located. As part of the largest pond, whose outlines and secrets are hidden by reeds, there is a small island with a thatched cottage, where Josip Broz Tito used often withdraw to birdsong.

This bird sanctuary was built on the remains of the medieval sea Aline for salt production, which was originally an ancient saline, whose traces are still visible on the seashore. The significance and importance of these saltworks is clear from ancient writings, which state that the proceeds from the sale of the salt of Brioni an "extraordinary source of income of the Venetian Republic is", or, if you prefer to create a saline, then you must "Saline of Inzulae Brionorum visit that really works for centuries." In 1960 the area of Saline was filled due to soil improvement works and it formed two ponds, which were joined by a third in 1973. From then on the lake and the surrounding area was given its final functional landform, and this area has become a place for nesting and migrating birds or to the ornithological park.

Today the ornithological park Brioni offers a fantastic image and an idyll of birdsong, but also living together for many different species of birds, floating on the ponds or keep hidden in the Mediterranean maquis and marsh plants. This also Istria rare and exceptional area can, except during the breeding season (April and May), enjoy a walk around the small pond, or from the Vogelperperspektive of several stand-alone or built in treetops highs. Besides the acquaintance with the lively creatures, the ornithological park Brioni enables only the lucky few to indulge in the birdsong in the straw hats.


Cockatoo Koki


Koki: the big Gelbhaubenkakadu (cacatua galerita)

Koki is a legend on Brioni, also known as Tito's parrot. He is one of the rare examples of Sulphur-crested cockatoo, which are even up to 100 years old. It belongs to the family of the largest parrot species, which are characterized by a very clumsy attitude, a very strong and powerful, up to 50 cm long body, a strong, solid beak and hood feathers on their heads. It is a very intelligent, sociable and graceful bird that really love bathes.

Josip Broz Tito has Koki his granddaughter Aleksandra - paid Sasi Broz to her ninth birthday. Koki lived for a time no longer at the Brioni, but in the last three decades it has, besides the elephants Sony and Elefantin Lanka, the most attractive inhabitants of the archipelago. Because of his contribution as a tourist attraction by Brioni, Koki has received his "summer residence" so that he does not live in the summer in Fazanengehege, but in the immediate vicinity of the hotel "Neptun - Istra".

This fifty-two Pfiffikus with white plumage and a few yellow feathers, is the embodiment of a good representative of the tourism industry, a being who knows how to animate, seduce and attract attention for an unlimited time in coming. He "tells" swaggers around, and sometimes he would even "Handshake", also knows this parrot determined many secrets of Brioni ... With him, who, when he is in a good mood, also speaks (Hello Retirement, how Use ?, What is your name ?, Koki, Hello, Tito ...) almost all known island visitors have their picture taken (eg the Princess Carolina of Monacco, the actor John Malkovich, etc.).

Images of National Park Brijuni

Hafeneinfahrt Nationalpark Brijuni  Nationalpark Brijuni

Nationalpark Brijuni Ausblick  Nationalpark Brijuni Villa

Nationalpark Brijuni Kroatien  Nationalpark Brijuni Rehe

Nationalpark Brijuni Zebra  Nationalpark Brijuni Kühe

Nationalpark Brijuni Landschaft  Nationalpark Brijuni Kaktusfeigen

Nationalpark Brijuni Byzantinisches Kastell



Approach to the National Park Brijuni


Fazana is the actual connection port to the islands. From here, individual tours are on offer. The National Park can however visit from other locations. From Pula and Rovinj slightly more expensive cruises are offered.

For sailors and boaters

Anchoring is only in the main harbor of Veli Brijun or the bay Sv. Nikola allowed on Mali Brijun. Boaters also have to sign up at the reception of Hotel Neptun.





