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Cave research Croatia


Caving Croatia photo

Croatia has innumerable as a true karst caves. The best known and most intriguing of these is the Blue Grotto (Modra spilja) on the island of Biševo and the Dragon Cave (Zmajeva Špilja) on the island of Brac. Caving Croatia Accommodations caves of Papuk and the regions of Kordun, Lika, Dalmatia and Zagora are open to visitorswith no experience, so that they enjoy the various stalactite and Stalagmitenformen. The most attractive caves are in Istria, Gorski Kotar and Medvednica, which we recommend (Spilje Cerovačke) for true lovers of the underworld Veternica near Zagreb, the caves of Cerovac in Gračac and Lukas pit (Lukina jama) on the Velebit mountain.

Caves in Croatia


  • Caves - developed for tourism
  • Caves - only suitable for professional cavers


Caving - Adventure knowledge hungry

Caving is for adventure and hunger for knowledge. But not only professionals, lay people can explore these mystical worlds. Tourist attractive are mainly the caves, such as the Croatian Barać caves.

In Croatia there are more than 11,500 known caves, on the mainland, the islands, under the sea, in rivers, in the mountains ... In many parts of Croatia no systematic speleological explorations and explorations have yet been carried out. In addition, it is believed, rightly, that the number is far greater, since many of them have no natural access to the surface, but can only be discovered by construction. So far more than 1000 caverns were in the construction of highways, bridges, overpasses and tunnels in Croatia discovered i.e. Caves and caverns, of whose existence we knew nothing and had no openings at the surface. Based on the number of discovered and researched caverns, Croatia is worldwide the first place. Speleologists from Croatia take in the International Speleological Union (Unio Internationale de Speleology - UIS) a significantly large amount of space a.

Ways cave guides and lighting for tourists caves Gornja and Donja Cerovačka špilja in Gračac, Veternica on Medvednica, Vrelo in Fužine, Lokvarka at Lokve, Vranjača at Kotlenica on the northern foothills of Mosor mountain range, Grgosove špilje in Samobor, Vrlovka at Ozalj, Baračeve špilje in Rakovica Samogradska špilja near Perušić, Biserujka near Dobrinj on the island Krk, the Baredine cave in Poreč, the cave Mramornica in Brtonigla in Istria, Feštinsko kraljevstvo in Žminj in Istria and the Đurovića špilja in Ćilipi in Dubrovnik. A special attraction is the Modra špilja on the island of Biševo that can only be visited by boat.

Some caves have your eye additionally include interesting tourist attractions. Thus vestiges of extinct cave bears can be seen for example in the cave Veternica, elsewhere you can see specimens of fossils, bats in the cave Đurovića špilja under the Dubrovnik airport are issued autochthonous wines from Konavle while the Modra špilja rich on the island Biševo in natural light effects is (blue reflections in sea water), and in the cave Baredine, the only tourist decorated cave in Croatia, a living human fish is exhibited in his native ambience ...


Caves - developed for tourism


Caves in Istria
  • Jama Baredine in Nova Vas in the region Poreč


Caves in the Kvarner bay


  • Lokvarka Cave - near Lokve in Gorski Kotar
  • Vrelo - Fuzine in Gorski Kotar
  • Biserujka (Vitezica spilja) - Krk
  • Modra špilja - Cres


Caves in the region of Velebit


  • Samogradska spilja - close Perušic
  • Golubnjača - at Plitvice
  • Gornja Cerovacka spilja - near Gracac
  • Donja Cerovacka spilja - near Gracac


Caves in Dalmatia


  • Manita pec - Paklenica (Southern Velebit)
  • Cave Vranjača - in the northwestern part of Mosor in Split
  • Modra špilja - Island Bisevo
  • Sipun - Cavtat
  • Spila Nakovana - Peljesac peninsula


Caves in the country's internal


  • Grgosova špilja - near Samobor
  • Cave Veternica near Zagreb
  • Vrlovka - Kamanj in Ozalj



Caves - only suitable for professional cavers


Caves in Istria


  • Semická Ćićarija
  • Jama at Rašpor - Ćićarija



Caves in the Kvarner bay


  • Klanski ponor (Gotovž) - around Rijeka
  • Mala (Crna) Kicljeva jama Skrad - Gorski Kotar


Caves in the region of Velebit


  • Balinka Plaški - Lika
  • Fantomska jama - Velebit
  • Jama Klementina - Velebit
  • Jama Munižaba - Velebit
  • Ledenica in Lomska dolina - Velebit
  • Lukina jama - Northern Velebit
  • Slovačka - Northern Velebit
  • Stupina jama - at Bitoraj


Caves in Dalmatia


  • Donja Cerovačka pećina - Southern Velebit in Gracac
  • Ponor on Bunjevac - Southern Velebit
  • Puhaljka - Southern Velebit
  • Jama at Matešić stan - Island Brac
  • Podgračišće - Island Brac
  • Biokovka - Biokovo
  • Jama za kamenitim vratima - Biokovo
  • Nova velika jama - Biokovo
  • Pretnerova jama - Biokovo
  • Stara Škola - Biokovo
  • Vilimova jama - Biokovo
  • Zaboravna jama - Biokovo



Caves in the country's internal


  • Cave in the quarry Tounj - Tounj
  • Jama Mandelaja Oštarije - near Ogulin
  • Jopićeve spilja - Kordun in Krnjak
  • Panjkova špilja Kršnje - Area Kordun
  • Sustav Ponorac - Suvaja Kordun
  • Cave Veternica near Zagreb