Useful information
Geographical location: Croatia extends from the eastern Alps in the north-west up to the Pannonian lowlands and up to the banks of the donau in the east; the central part is dominated by the Dinara mountain range, and the southern parts extend to the coast of the Adriatic Sea.
Surface: the mainland covers 56,542 km² and km² area of territorial waters totals 31,067.
Population: 4,437,460 inhabitants. National structure: The predominant number of the population are Croats; national minorities are Serbs, Slovenes, Hungarians, Bosnians, Italians, Czechs and others.
State system: Croatia is a multiparty parliamentary republic.
Official language and alphabet: Croatian and Latin writing.
Time zone: Croatia is in the GMT +1 time zone. The zone changes to GMT +2 the last Saturday in March, namely to the last Sunday in October.
Religion: The majority of population are Katoliken, followed by Orthodox, Muslims and members of Protestant churches.
Capital: Zagreb (779.145 inhabitants) is both the economic, cultural and academic center, as well as the transportation hub of the country.
Coastline: 5,835 km, of which 4058 km island and reef coastline.
Number of islands and reefs: 1,185; which are inhabited 50 islands; the largest islands are Krk and Cres.
Highest peak: Dinara; 1,831 m above sea level.
Climate: There are two climate zones: In inland prevails a continental climate, locally also a mountainous climate, while in the coastal area and the pleasant Mediterranean climate with many sunny days prevails: dry and hot summers, mild and humid winters.
Average temperature in the interior: January 0 ° C to 2 ° C, August 19 ° C to 23 ° C; average temperature at the seaside: January 6 ° C to 11 ° C, August 21 ° to 27 ° C; the average sea temperature in winter 12 ° C and in summer 25 ° C.
Currency: Kuna (KN); 1 Kuna = 100 Lipa. There are coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Lipa, and 1, 2, 5 and 25 Kuna; and bills of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 Kuna. Foreign currency can be exchanged in banks, exchange offices, post offices and in most travel agencies, hotels, marinas and campsites.
Credit cards: Most hotels, restaurants and shops accept credit cards (American Express, Diners Club, Euro Card / MasterCard, Visa).
Electricity: Voltage of city power grid - 220V, frequency 50 Hz.
Water: Tap water is potable in all parts of Croatia.
Telephone code: The telephone code for Croatia is + 385 are met.
Travel documents: Passport or other internationally recognized identification document. Tourists can stay up to three months in the Republic of Croatia.
For more information, walls at the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Croatia abroad, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia (tel: +385 1 4569 964).
Customs regulations: Customs regulations of the Republic of Croatia are in line with the standards of European Union countries. Foreign currency is valued at € 2,045.
Healthcare: Hospitals and clinics there are in all major cities, clinics and pharmacies in all places. Foreign tourists do not pay for medical services if the Health Care Convention was signed between Croatia and the country from which they come. The cost of medical treatment for persons who come from the countries with which there is no such agreement must, are charged directly to the patient (according to the price list). For patients whose lives are in danger, there is possibility transport by helicopter and speedboat.
Croatia has a network of veterinary clinics and centers:, email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots To display JavaScript must be turned on!. ">
Croatia - public holidays
- January: January 1st - New Year January 6 - Epiphany.
- April: Easter and Easter Monday
- May: May 1 - May Day
- June June Corpus Christi 22 - Day of Antifascism 25 June - Statehood Day
- August: 5th August - Victory Day and National Thanksgiving Day 15 August - Assumption
- October 8 October - Independence Day
- November: November 1 - All Saints
- December 25 and 26 December - Christmas
Opening times: Shops and department stores are open from 8 to 20, Saturday from 8 am to 14 or 15 o'clock. A smaller number of shops is open from 8am to 12pm and from 16 to 20 o'clock. Many shops are to 22 pm (and Sundays) open, especially in summer. In larger cities there are shops which are open around the clock. Businesses and public services work from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 16 o'clock.
Post and Telecommunications: Post Offices are open from 7 to 19h, Saturday to 13 AM. On duty post offices in major cities and tourist destinations are open in summer to 22 PM. Stamps are sold in post offices and at newsstands. In telephone boxes only telephone cards are used, etc. in post offices and at newsstands, in hotels to buy.
Mobile operators in Croatia: VIPNET (area code 091), T-Mobile (area code 098 and 099) and Tele 2 (dialing code 095).
TV, radio and press: In Croatia there are four television channels: 1st and 2nd program of HRT, Nova TV and RTL. The State radio station broadcasts news in English and German several times a day in summer. Expenditure by foreign daily, weeklies and monthlies can be purchased at newsstands of "Vjesnik" and "Tisak".
Environmental protection: The protection of biological diversity is the current EU rules. The water of the Adriatic is of very high quality (according to the EU criteria), and for bathing. In case of accidental or contamination of the sea, we ask to call the National Search and Rescue Centre, tel 9155 (free). This is connected to the network of similar international institutions. In the case of environmental pollution on the mainland, the National Information Centre informed (Tel 01/4814 911). Additional information: Tel 01/6106 111 Internet:., Phone: 0800 200 037
Important phone numbers
Ambulance 94
Fire brigade: 93
Police: 92
Breakdown: 987; (when calling from abroad or by mobile phone, call +385 1 987) Internet: Croatian Automobile Club (HAK)
Croatian angels: Project of the Croatian National Tourist Board, which created the guests tourist information exclusively by telephone. Unified number of tourist information for all of Croatia 062 999 999. If calling from abroad, dial + 385 62 999 999. This information service is in Croatian, English, German and Italian in the period April 1 to October 1 available. Out of season, the telephone lines 9:00 to 17:00 are unlocked (an "angel" per shift) in high season but 8-16 pm and 16 pm to midnight (two "angels" per shift).
Foreign language radio news in the tourist season: On Program of Croatian Radio there, along with the regular news in Croatian, traffic reports in English, German and Italian (the Croatian Auto Club HAK), as well as information for boaters (several times per day). Every hour news and traffic reports are also the Second Programme of Croatian Radio alternately sent from the following studios: Third Program of the Bavarian Radio, Third Programme of Austrian Radio, RAI Uno, British Virgin Radio and Czech Radio. Throughout the day nautical news are broadcast in English and Croatian.
Useful links
- Tourist office Croatia (
- Croatian National Bank (
- camping club croatia (
- Association of Travel Agencies of Croatia (
- TouristClick Tour guide through Croatia (
- Hotel Reservation (
- Croatia by Traum-Ferienwohnungen (